Wednesday, 14 September 2011


I’ve noticed that a lot of the young people have posted photo albums on their profiles entitled Summer 2011. These pictures are full of young people having fun, drinking and partying, as you would expect from the younger generation. I got to thinking what pictures I would post on my Facebook profile for Summer 2011. I do not have these pictures as it did not occur to me at the time that I could make a photo album entitled Summer 2011 to share with my Facebook friends.

Here is a list in no particular order:-

  1. The little bald bailiff man outside my door clutching a “notice to issue distress”.
  2. The Casualty Department at Northern General Hospital where I spent an afternoon with Judybongo with separate, but tenuously related injuries.
  3. My son and his friends dressing up as “ladies” in dresses and going out in the dead of night (I do believe there is some photographic evidence of this event).
  4. Me talking to a policeman through the open window of my car. I was sent on my way without being charged. It was a little misunderstanding.
  5. Last but not least and an excellent photo opportunity. After allowing my learner driver son to drive my car from Sheffield to Manchester and stopping off at various places and driving through Manchester City centre and up and down the Mancunian Way, covering more than 160 miles….. The look on my face when finally pulling up outside my flat at 11.50 p.m. with only 10 minutes left on my son’s temporary car insurance, to be stopped by the police. My son had stopped the car at the bus stop round the corner where his girlfriend was waiting. He turned the lights off when he got out to snog her and drove the few yards home with no lights on. I should have noticed this but I didn’t. Unfortunately, the police did.
  6. My final picture would be my full clean driving licence.

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